Content Marketing and Keyword Stuffing
At a time when the sales process necessarily goes through the Internet, since all products and services are available on the Internet, at least for online consultation and later purchase in physical stores, content marketing has also never been so important.
What is Content Marketing used for?
Content marketing is the art of selling through content. In other words, making a product or service known through the content that appears associated with it can significantly boost the sale of that product and/or service. If we go further, it can also enhance the dissemination of the company that sells it in the digital environment.
Content marketing is only valid if it is developed by creating relevant, unique and particularly interesting content for the potential customers of that product and/or service. As such, such a strategy can take on various formats, such as:
- Blog articles;
- Optimized content for website;
- Copywriting for Social Networks;
- Newsletters Creation;
- E-mail Marketing;
- E-books for knowledge sharing.
All different formats, but with the same goal – to attract potential customers. You have to keep in mind that each of these formats works for a specific audience, with specific goals.
Hand in hand with creating content marketing come the usual keywords. In Portuguese, the keywords. Starting at the beginning, what are keywords in content marketing? A keyword is a word or phrase that defines the essence of a topic, business, document or text in general. The keyword is the word or expression that we seek to optimize, whether in SEO or a PPC campaign.
In this sense, when producing content, it is common to include keywords in it so that our content is as optimized as possible since this has an impact on the positioning of our pages in search engines. The higher we are positioned, the greater the chances of a visit to our website and the higher the subsequent conversion rates.
Keyword-stuffing and the black-hat practice
It is common to make the mistake of “stuffing” your content with too many keywords, so-called keyword stuffing. Have you ever heard of this expression? Or black-hat? No? Today is the day!
The terms keyword stuffing and black-hat constantly go hand in hand. Keyword stuffing is “keyword overload” and expresses the practice where a keyword is used too many times in a text. This practice undermines the quality of the content and is why it is commonly referred to as black-hat, or bad SEO practice.
Applying keywords in titles, description and other filler fields associated with web pages is one of the most used strategies when it comes to SEO. However, this should be done as naturally as possible so that the quality of the content does not suffer. That is, when a keyword is repeated excessively in content, it is considered keyword stuffing. In this case, Google’s algorithms will understand that the content does not aim to pass any relevant information to the public, but only to fulfill the SEO strategy.
Thus, when the content has many repetitions of the same keyword it is considered a text without quality and is considered a black-hat practice. Thus, google identifies the practice of keyword stuffing and applies a penalty, which involves the loss of positions in the search engine results.
To conclude, it is important to mention that there are numerous tips to avoid this practice. Here is a simple rule that can help you develop a Content Marketing strategy without making the mistake of keyword stuffing.
Our tip is based on a very simple calculation: if your text has 300 characters and three repetitions of the keyword related to the content of that page, then the density is 1%. It is important that such density does not exceed 3%.
Are there still questions about how to avoid this black-hat practice? Don’t hesitate! Talk to us now – | +351 289 150 167 | +351 927 637 001