Tricks to improve SEO

First, at the foundation of a good SEO strategy is the question “What will search engines try to find?” That is, it is important to understand that search engines do not make any money from organic clicks. In that sense, the engines need to make themselves as relevant as possible to make the visitors’ questions validly answered. Only then do visitors come back organically. This way search engines can maintain a high volume of revenue thanks to advertising.

Small but effective tricks to improve the SEO of your website:

Technical optimization – make sure that the search engine can read your website and that visitors can navigate it without any problems.

  • In other words, to provide the visitor with a pleasant experience on your website and for search engines to be able to verify it, your SEO strategy has to be well developed. How? Through error-free code, optimized images and tags, well-done indexing, fast loading pages, and an up-to-date sitemap are some of the factors to consider.

Website content – check that the content inserted on the page matches the overall theme of the page. Make sure your website mirrors user-friendly content. Think of your website as an online storefront. On that basis provide users with clear instructions about your business and what they can do on your website. In that sense, creating quality content based on relevance is key for Google to recognize you as interesting to users.

Backlinks – at first glance, the most misunderstood part and one of the most important when it comes to a consistent SEO strategy. It is based on your backlink portfolio that search engines evaluate the importance and relevance of your website for your industry. In this case, quality is much more important than quantity. Strong pieces and articles such as blog posts help build a solid backlink portfolio that redirects to your website. This third pillar of SEO requires a more proactive and integrated approach than the other digital channels. In this sense, increase your social media presence, run email marketing campaigns, interact with others in the field and look to establish partnerships.

Finally, we conclude with just one more note about links, this time about internal links. That is, just as important as backlinks, it is important to make sure that your internal redirects make sense for the sales funnel and that they are also redirecting to the right pages.