What is Copywriting for?
Copywriting is the name usually given to the strategy of producing persuasive texts for Marketing and Sales with the objective of generating conversions and sales. In other words, copywriting is aimed at producing textual content focused on convincing the reader to perform a specific action. It is increasingly interpreted as the “art of creating content” from existing content or other relevant sources. Its goal is to promote, advertise or convey an essentially commercial message.
The person responsible for copywriting is called a copywriter. The copywriter should always proceed with the copy with a persuasive character in mind, and triggers should be used to arouse the reader’s interest.
How to elaborate a Copywriting strategy?
It is not enough just to write well. When it comes to turning readers into customers, 3 fundamental commandments must be respected regarding content production:
- Try as much as possible to get the reader inspired by what they are about to read;
- To get the reader to establish a connection with the brand;
- Be persuasive to the point of making the reader take some kind of action regarding the product/brand.
Factors to keep in mind when it comes to Copywriting:
- Research – content will not become relevant if it only develops a topic that is of no interest from the user’s point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to do a lot of research to find out what the most relevant content of the moment is, to satisfy the audience’s needs.
- Purpose – publishing articles should not be done spontaneously. It is necessary to think effectively and try to establish goals and a customer’s path to conversion in the sales funnel. It is recommended to take into account the creation of an editorial calendar where all publications can be scheduled.
- Uniqueness – it is mandatory to stand out from everyone else. If your content is just “more of the same”, your articles will never catch the attention of your audience. Invest in unique and relevant content considering your goals and your persona.
- Optimization – ensure that your content focuses on the most relevant topics not only for your business but also for your audience; integrate the most searched keywords about your area of expertise, this is the only way to ensure good positioning in search engines.
- Analytics – once your article is published, your work doesn’t end there. Keep following the statistics closely and see how your target audience behaves towards the content you published. Analyze and adapt your strategy to the trends.
What are the most common mistakes?
- Not proofreading content – writing coherent and cohesive content is the obligation of a copywriter. However, even an experienced copywriter is not immune to mistakes, however small they may be. Therefore, a very useful tip is to wait half an hour after producing the text before doing a more critical review of the text.
- Produce very technical content – those who think that the secret lies in producing a formal and technical text, typically used in traditional corporate communication, are mistaken. Some companies require a more cultured and formal type of communication, when necessary. However, in recent years we have seen a reversal of this trend, with more and more companies betting on a more human language, making it as easy as possible to read and understand the content.
- Exaggerating the benefits of the product and/or service – another big copywriting mistake is to explicitly and partially advertise the product/service in question. Focus your content on the solution/transformation that can come from using your product/service.
- Not understanding what captivates the reader – don’t think that the same strategy works forever! It is always necessary to analyze your results and do new tests to understand if the reader’s interests remain, or not, the same. Remember, your reader’s interests and trends change all the time!
- Betting only on “cliché” triggers – that is, betting on triggers and persuasion weapons that are already ingrained as clichés is a bad Copywriting strategy. This makes your readers even more disengaged from your content because they see that you are using a strategy that has already been exhausted.
- Exaggerating the benefits – is easy! We are not saying don’t reveal the benefits of your product/service but avoid over-promising the benefits of your offering. When someone resorts to this strategy, it is interpreted as false advertising, not copywriting.